Online to Offline : The Journey of a Student

 Due to pandemic, school decided to start online classes instead of offline in March 2020 so that students could continue studying. This journey "from offline to online" was very different, a little difficult for some students but in this journey, children were able to explore a lot! They got to know that there are various types of  platforms in which we can do meetings like - Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Impartus, etc. They also got to know that in these platforms, there are many options to do various things like sharing screen, chat tab, unmute/mute, etc. Thirdly, they got to know that there is a software known as 'PowerPoint' with which we can make presentations. Then, after two years, slowly and steadily, Covid began to evade and the school got a chance to switch to offline mode. When we got to know about this, we were on cloud nine! We were very excited to meet our friends and teachers physically and we would also be able to have more fun!


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