Comparison Between The Postmaster Story & The Kabuliwala Story By Rabindranath Tagore

 The Postmaster is from Kolkata and is city bred. He did not find it easy to mingle with the village folk. He greatly missed his family members. He tried to spend his time by writing poetry. He found a little girl, an orphan called Ratan who helped him with his chores. The postmaster was comfortable while sharing about his family members and how much he missed them to Ratan. When the postmaster got ill, she played a role of his little mother. Unfortunately, the two were separated at the last. When the postmaster application for a transfer was rejected, he resigned from his job and returned to his family, leaving Ratan alone.

 The Kabuliwala was a tall Afghan, who wore a dirty loose robe, a turban and had a large bag slung across his shoulder. He was a patient listener and cracked a lot of good jokes. The Kabuliwala also had a daughter and Mini reminded him of his daughter; so whenever he used to come to Mini, he brought a handful of nuts. Just like in the Postmaster story, the protagonist gets separated from the little girl as he was arrested in the crime of killing a man who didn’t pay back his money.

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