Imaginary Account - A Trip to The Moon


We were having a competition named ‘Little Astronomers’ in our school. The prize for it was that the winner would get an opportunity to go to the moon with his/her family and friends. I was very excited for the competition so I prepared a lot for it. Finally, the day of the competition arrived. It was of 2 hours! My test went well but I was not sure whether I would be able to go to the moon or not. After few days, the result came out and my joy knew no bounds when I learnt that I had won! My family and I were on cloud nine. We were asked to reach a training center where we would get trained by experts for about 2 months in the USA. It was tough to convince my parents but they agreed at the last. We did all the packing and bookings, and went to the airport. 

Finally, we reached the USA; it was an amazing place. After a long wait, the day arrived when I had to set on my journey to the moon. We all were very excited. We wore all our costumes and were super ready. After a few days, we reached the moon. I went out of the spacecraft and looked around. We saw a person standing on the moon without wearing any spacesuit. I was surprised. We went near her. She asked us whether we could go to her home and eat dinner. We agreed and went inside her house. We were very surprised seeing a house on the moon! We all had a scrumptious meal. Then, we walked on the moon and looked at other planets as well. 
Now, it was time for us to go back to the Earth. So, we sat on our spacecraft and went back. When we reached back, we all told our friends that we had met a woman and she had a house on the moon. Unfortunately, no one believed us but we knew that it was true.


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